The Classical Tray

ITEM #V251
Availability: In Stock
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"When a man drinks wine at dinner he begins to be better pleased with himself." - Plato.

The Classical Tray is uniquely suited to help prepare the palate before dinner.

This assortment of imported and domestic cheeses is elegantly arranged along with Pemberton's fresh seasonal fruit and Table Water Crackers. Be sure to save the premium Lindt chocolate truffles and other candies for aprés dinner conversation and coffee. Chocolate truffles and rich, aromatic coffee are a classic ending to a fine meal.

Due to federal law, we can only ship alcohol to the following states: MA, NH, CT, WV, VA, DC, FL, LA, ND, NE, WY, OR, NV, AK. If you place an order for a basket containing alcohol to be delivered to a state not listed here, it will be canceled. Thank you for your cooperation.